Tuesday, 19 March 2013


A family tree, ancestry chart, or pedigree chart, is a chart representing my family relationships in a conventional Tree Structure format. I have an 7 generations represented of our grand fathers as stated in photo - from Top to Bottom.

How to view my ancestry chart is, the oldest generations at the top and the newer generations at the bottom. I m standing marked as Yellow Color, Dhyeya is marked below me…

ASK, BELIEVE, RECEIVE - just three simple steps to create whatever you want OR Demand. 
ASK is easy. RECEIVED is easy. But sometimes the second step, BELIEVE, can be difficult for people. However, there's an easy way to believe; MAKE BELIEVE in your mind every day! When you make believe, it makes you believe! 
Keep a trend of above STEPS while you are about for Deep Sleep & your subconscious mind will follow your commands & 1st Step is to ASK UNIVERSE about your demands...you can use UNIVERSE as your menu card for whatever you want.
2nd Step is to BELIEVE in, your demand is fulfilled by UNIVERSE. Have Day dream as if you got it WHAT YOU WANT & you have DEMANDED from UNIVERSE.
3rd Step is RECEIVED from UNIVERSE......

trust me Its a lovely experience of following above MANTRA.

Worrying and focusing on what you DON'T WANT, takes just as much energy and time as focusing on WHAT YOU DO WANT - and it works! If your energy is largely negative, that's what you'll get back.

It is so important that you are grateful for everything in your life. Many people focus on the one thing they want and then forget to be grateful for all the things they have. Without gratitude for everything you have, it's going to be a very slow journey to get what you want. The law of attraction and the Universe love gratitude, so MILK IT!!!