Sunday 14 May 2017

Child Care.....

We have lot of kids in my new building & Dhyeya enjoy with all of them. They play up to 12 midnight in building compound, definitely Dhyeya & other kids are lucky chap to have many friends & whenever i see them playing, I memorize my past times playing with special cared child.

Many times my visit to orphanage & mentally challenged kid schools, made me cry from the bottom of my heart & wished them they should also enjoy the way Dhyeya is.

Once its happened to be interschool race among these specialty care kids. There was no gender discrimination among these kids & 8 boys/girls were standing  on a track for racing.

One lady teacher shouted "Ready !Steady !Gooooo!"

With the scream of lady, all boys/girlz started running. Hardly had they covered 10 to 15 steps,One the boy slipped on white line & fell on ground. He started crying due to knee bleeding. When other 7 kid heard him, all of them STOPPED running..STOOD for a while,turned BACK & RAN towards him.

All the 7 kid LIFT the Boy, pacified him, joined hands together, walked together & together they reached WINNING Post. All teachers were shocked. Many Eyes were filled with tears.

It happened in one of the mentally challenged school. Race was conducted by National Institute of Mental Health...
All participants were Mentally RETARDED.

What did they teach us?
Teamwork, Humanity, Sportsman spirit, Love, Care or Equality..
We Surely can NEVER Do this, because...
We have Brains....
We have Ego...
We have Attitude....


Some one is still single.. Someone got married and 'waited' 10 yrs before having a child, there is another who had a baby within a year of marriage.

Someone graduated at the age of 22, yet waited 5 years before securing a good job; and there is another who graduated at 27 and secured employment of their choice immediately!

Someone became CEO at 25 and died at 50 while another became a CEO at 50 and lived to 90 years.

Everyone works based on their 'Time Zone'
People can have things worked out only according to their pace. Work in your “time zone”.

Your Colleagues, friends, younger ones might "seem" to go ahead of you. May be some might "seem" behind you.

Don't envy them or mock them, it's their 'Time Zone.'
You are in yours!

Hold on, be strong, and stay true to yourself. All things shall work together for your good. You’re not late … You are not early ... you’re very much On time!

Saturday 13 May 2017


Originally posted on fb on May 13, 2014 at 2:24pm at Red Indians Restaurant, Kandivali(West)

There are very few incidents which I may not forget throughout my life, narrated below is one of the them.

I am usually adamant to visit Restaurants on Weekends or Public Holiday's because the quality of food services may be pathetically served or I don’t want any sour experiences.
Last Sunday, we went to watch movie “Hawaa Hawaai” & we were free by 6:45pm, so we decided to drop all groceries at home & then went to dine at "Red Indian's", famous for Mexicans/Italians food in Kandivali. We reached there sharp by 7:45pm & by the time, most of the customers started arriving. I am well aware that there is valet service provided whereby I can leave my Car at the entrance and an attendant parks and will retrieve me keys but my hawk eye catch-up hurried attitude of attendant. Due to increasing rush, he even denied to handover parking slip so I decided to stay there till he safe park my Sedan. Even though my car is equipped with Autocop/GPS based immobilizer, he barge key to lock door, Result.....key jammed. Immediately sensing situation, I raise my voice to call upon Restaurants Manager which was no use to the deaf ears. By the time, it was heavy rush, 2-3 waiters effortlessly try to free their hands on my Sedan. I kept them away from it & decided to take situation in my hand & took return Rikshaw to get Key-maker. I reach to Key-makers stall @ 8:45pm but he had almost windup his stall. With my polite request, he joined & It took him merely 5 minutes to relive key from door but he warn me that my car door's liver locks has been damaged due to hard pressed.
Meanwhile, I was taking estimation of total expenses from my mechanic, one of the waiter silently pulled key-maker on back side & on demanding Remuneration, Restaurants Manager named "Saleem" threatened him to handover to Cop. On claiming charges for liver lock, Saleem started hitting poor man & before I reach to the spot, Saleem had dragged him with his collar, tore his shirt & his face was pale due to slaps. Entire crewmen were just watching this TAMASHA & would not have I interfered, that poor key-maker would have badly beaten. With the heated argument, I could manage to take part payment from Saleem but I was in deep agony that a innocent guy got hit.
I & Shilpa, took him out of Restaurants, gave him water, pending remuneration with few extra bucks & drop him back to his stall with all his honor...

These so-called big Restaurants put efforts in food quality but what about attitudinal quality of an human being?
What is role of an law while poor man gets hited by Rich bulls but there is no law maintained when it comes to Restaurants remain open till 12am or later?
What’s wrong in demanding deserving wages?

Poor key-makers rusty face was in my mind & I could not dine that night......