We have lot of kids in my new building & Dhyeya enjoy with all of them. They play up to 12 midnight in building compound, definitely Dhyeya & other kids are lucky chap to have many friends & whenever i see them playing, I memorize my past times playing with special cared child.
Many times my visit to orphanage & mentally challenged kid schools, made me cry from the bottom of my heart & wished them they should also enjoy the way Dhyeya is.
Once its happened to be interschool race among these specialty care kids. There was no gender discrimination among these kids & 8 boys/girls were standing on a track for racing.
One lady teacher shouted "Ready !Steady !Gooooo!"
With the scream of lady, all boys/girlz started running. Hardly had they covered 10 to 15 steps,One the boy slipped on white line & fell on ground. He started crying due to knee bleeding. When other 7 kid heard him, all of them STOPPED running..STOOD for a while,turned BACK & RAN towards him.
All the 7 kid LIFT the Boy, pacified him, joined hands together, walked together & together they reached WINNING Post. All teachers were shocked. Many Eyes were filled with tears.
It happened in one of the mentally challenged school. Race was conducted by National Institute of Mental Health...
All participants were Mentally RETARDED.
What did they teach us?
Teamwork, Humanity, Sportsman spirit, Love, Care or Equality..
We Surely can NEVER Do this, because...
We have Brains....
We have Ego...
We have Attitude....