This is what I experience in USA that Daylight Saving Time is the practice of setting the clocks forward one hour from standard time during the summer months, and back again in the falls, in order to make better use of natural daylight.
Say from Daylight saving time 2020 in United States began at 2:00 AM on November'2019 (exactly when we migrated to USA) till April'2020. The Clocks are set forward 1 hour for DST in the spring. The sculpture is of "Six Public Clocks" in USA & many other countries too.
“Spring forward, fall back” is one of the little sayings used to remember which way to set your watch. You set your clock forward one hour in the spring when DST starts
lose 1 hour), and back one hour when DST ends in the fall
regain 1 hour). Though its funny but from past many years, same raga has been followed here in USA. Even many of my friends who stayed in different states of USA, had different timing in their watch.

Fyi, both the picture comparison captured on same time but on different months i.e. November'2019 & May'2020...