Saturday, 13 November 2021


Few days back, we went to MGM Casino. This Casino is considered to be biggest one in DMV (DC+Maryland+Virginia) area. While entering Casino, they had made a ramp for Guest who visit Casino for the 1st time & on this red carpet, me & Shilpa got an opportunity to walk the ramp.

While walking on a ramp I felt like all other guest's eyes glued on us and they continuously starring on us. While walking behind Shilpa, holding the pinky finger of my bride, I felt like I leads the first four vows, which is followed by the remaining three rounds concluded by the my lovely bride. On every steps i am walking on ramp, I felt like we both are performing "SAPTAPADI", the families & the guest remain seated around the RAMP, showering us with flowers and rice; signifying their blessings upon us. No doubt, me & Shilpa had rock the stage & put the stage on fire...

While walking a ramp, i mesmerising all 7 pheras as uttered by Harishbhaimaharaj during my marriage, 

FIRST PHERA – PRAYER FOR FOOD AND NOURISHMENTS.....“With God as our guide, let us take the first step to live with honour and respect. Let us walk together so we get food”

SECOND PHERA – STRENGTH.....“Let us be happy and enjoy life. Let us walk together so we grow together in strength,”

THIRD PHERA – PROSPERITY.....“Let us share joys and pains together. Let us walk together so we get wealth.” 

FOURTH PHERA – MY LOVELY FAMILY.....“Let us not forget parents and elders. Let us walk together so we get happiness by sharing our joys and sorrows,”

FIFTH PHERA – PROGENY.....“Let us observe all acts of charity. Let us walk together so we have family”

SIXTH PHERA – HEALTH.....“Let us live a long and peaceful life. Let us walk together so we have joy”

SEVENTH PHERA.....“Let us be friends with love and sacrifice. Let us walk together so we have friendship” 

I let Shilpa go ahead so that she can put a stage on fire. I prefer posture as free style dancer & I prefer, let each other enjoy this whatever circumstances, I tried to be a true exhibitor of love, passion & compassionate which did reminds me of "7th phera of SAPTAPADI" as the content as described by Purohitji as below,

"They share the stage as to make a vow together. They shall share love, share the same food, share strengths, share the same tastes. We shall be of one mind, we shall observe the vows together. 

I shall be the Samaveda, you the Rigveda, 

I shall be the Upper World, you the Earth; 

I shall be the Sukhilam, you the Holder - together we shall live and beget children, and other riches; come thou, O sweet-worded girl!"

I wish to celebrate more and more years of togetherness so that i can celebrate more birthdays....

I wish you A Happy Birthday from the bottom my heart...... 

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