Friday, 8 December 2017

Life of soldiers ...

originally posted on fb on January'26-2014

What life of Soldiers, express by his own words!!!
I was at Wagha Border, Attari, Amritsar in 2009..

After chatting for few seconds with this Soldier named Dhansing Purohit from Rajasthan, I felt like their life is like turbulence as they r always away from their family life. 
Being onto Pakistan Border, their life is always on hooked to death but they never fear as a slogan of death & patriotism is in their blood. They always sing a slogan of non-fearism what if they die in war-zone.
If they took me up & returned me with flag on my chest,
Box me up & send it to my home.
Put medals also on my chest,
Tell my Mom, i did my best on border.
Tell my Dad, not to cry.... He wont get tension from me anymore.
Tell my brother to study perfectly....Keys of my bike will be his permanently.
Tell my sister not to be upset.... Her brother will rise after sunset for veer pasali.
Tell my children to grow for betterment of Society
And tell my love not to cry...

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